Shops open their doors
Joint start in the Tannenbusch-Center. Sale of the former Boss furniture.
Joint start in the Tannenbusch-Center. Sale of the former Boss furniture.
Bonn's run-down Tannenbusch district is on the upswing. Revitalisation of the centre in the centre of the town is considered to be trend-setting.
The big developers develop little and leave some fields to the smaller ones.
The end of the big center developments?
Integration already begins during project development, write Matthias Böning and Christof Glatzel of Böning Glatzel Klug in the second part of the series "Das städtische Einkaufszentrum".
Interview, published in the newspaper "Rheinische Post"
Matthias Böning, CEO of the Arcaden investor Mfi, explains the successful concept of modern shopping centres in times of online trading.
Published by "Immobilienwirtschaft", trade journal for management
Matthias Böning, CEO of mfi management für immobilien AG, has been voted one of the property heads of 2011 at EXPO Real in Munich.
Published in polis, Magazine for Urban Development
Interview with Christof Glatzel
Tell your own story
New ways in center development
Published by "Shopping Center Future", Falk Verlag
Article by Dr. Christof Glatzel
1. Competition is getting tougher